Sunday, November 26, 2006

Zen Story: My Country is Peaceful

When Zen Master Gao was still a novice, he went to pay his respects to Zen Master Weiyan of Yaoshan. Weiyan asked Gao, “I heard that the capital Chang-an is very noisy.” Gao replied, “My country is peaceful.” Weiyan asked, “Did you learn this from reading sutras or talking to a master?” Gao said, “From neither.” Weiyan then asking, “There are people who do not read sutras nor talk to the masters. Why do they learn nothing?” Gao replied,”It doesn’t mean they learn nothing. It is because they do not practice what they learned.”

When you see a beautiful girl but you are not influenced by her beauty, that is the TRUE PEACE.

When you sit in a noisy room but you are not influenced by the sound, that is the TRUE PEACE.

When you smell the redolence of freshly brewed coffee but are not influenced by its fragrance, that is the TRUE PEACE.

When you taste a piece of bitter melon but you are not influenced by the bitter taste, that is the TRUE PEACE.

When you lie on a hard bed but you are not influenced by the hardness, that is the TRUE PEACE.

When you have bad dreams but you are not influenced by the vision, that is the TRUE PEACE.

When you are not cheated by your eyes, ears, noise, tongue, body or mind, that is the TRUE PEACE.

Practice good ideas which you have learned, you will find TRUE PEACE always following you.

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