Monday, November 27, 2006

Zen Story: He Said "Thank You" to Me

There was a monk who lived in a deep mountain. One day a thief named Tom broke in this monk’s house. He just found some old clothes. The monk said, "I don’t have any valuable things. You can take my clothes. But you have to say, "Thank you." Tom said, "thank you" with a tiny voice and left.

The monk saw the bright moon that shined on Tom’s back. He thought, I wish I could give you the bright moon!

Several days later, a policeman caught Tom and found some clothes with the monk’s name written inside. He gave them back to the monk and wanted him to prove this thief’s crime. The monk said, "Tom didn’t steal my things. He said ‘thank you’ to me."

Tom felt much moved after he heard the words of the monk. He then asked for forgiveness and became a disciple of Buddha. He really received the bright moon which represents everyone’s pure heart.

Say Thank you when someone helps you.

Say Thank you when someone makes you smile.

Say Thank you when someone gives you some troubles.

Say Thank you when someone teaches you to think.

Say Thank you when someone creates your talent.

Say Thank you when someone leads you to the truth.

Say Thank you when you meet some good people.

Say Thank you when you avoid a bad situation.

Say Thank you when you calm down your mind.

Say Thank you when you had a good idea.

Say Thank you when you have everything you need.

Say Thank you when you feel joyful in your heart.

If you can say "Thank you" in any place and any time, you will find the bright moon everywhere.

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